The SoCo. Madeira Bundt Cake!!!
What can I say? This is clearly one of my greater accomplishments.
Combining 2 Ultimates!!!
1) My love of baked goods & 2) My chosen liqueur
Into one naughty & nice little package.
what i do: Using a simple Madeira cake recipe & after blending all of the ingredients together, I simply add in a splash of Southern Comfort.
I then fold the batter until the Southern Comfort is mixed right through.
Remember just a ‘splash’ you don’t want to over power it with SoCo.
(Or maybe you do)
After the cake is cooked & cooled for about 10mins, while still warm with a nice crisp edge I like to sprinkle it with icing sugar.
I first made the SoCo. Madeira Bundt Cake for Danz.
I say; Danz is impatient!
Danz says; “A cake should be eaten straight out of the oven
while it’s still hot!”
“& because I like warm cake better then cold cake ”
& he likes SoCo too, so it’s a Win/Win.
So for those of you who may not like fancy icings
or don’t like waiting for the cake to cool,
I highly recommend trying this one for yourself.